Art and Art History Course Offerings

Spring 2025 Art & Art History Courses
ART 101 Introduction to Studio Art (4 units)
ART 104 Basic Photography (4 units)
ART 170 Introduction to Printmaking (4 units)
ART 355 Experimental Film/Video (4 units)
ART 380 Artist's Bookmaking (4 units)
ART 394 The Art of Game Design (4 units)
ART 482 Art Practice Capstone: Art Practice (1 credit)
AH 174 Introduction to Art & Artifact (4 units)
AH 174L Intro to Art & Artifact Lab (0 credit)
AH 187 Golden Years of the Japanese Cinema (1 unit)
AH 202 Non-Western Art Survey (4 units)
AH 340 The Silk Road (4 units)
AH 352 Baroque Art (4 units)
AH 384 Topics in Art Management (4 units)
AH 388 Applied Research: Community (1 unit)
Fall 2024 Art & Art History Courses
ART 101 Introduction to Studio Art (4 units)
ART 106 Animation: Stop Motion (1 unit)
ART 108 Painting: Acrylic & Watercolor (1 unit)
ART 155 Intro to Digital Art (4 units)
ART 480 Art Practice Capstone: Art History (1 unit)
ART 497-01 Ceramics (4 units)
ART 497-03 Advanced Projects in Animation (4 units)
ART 497-04 Photobook (4 units)
ART 497-05 Varying Perception in Art Practice (3 units)
ART 497-06 Portraiture Independent Study (4 units)
AH 201 Western Art Survey (4 units)
AH 280 Art Theory (3 units)
AH 345 Museums and Construction (4 units)
AH 365 Issues in American Art (4 units)
AH 495 Research Prints & Curate Onl. (1 unit)
Spring 2024 Art & Art History Courses
ART 103 Basic Design (4 units)
ART 109 Life and Figure Drawing (4 units)
ART 355 Experimental Film (4 units)
ART 370 Advanced Screenprinting (4 units)
ART 376 Art, Technology, and Visual Culture (4 units)
ART 481 Capstone (1 unit)
AH 202 Non-Western Art Survey (4 units)
AH 342 Arts of the Americas (4 units)
AH 366 Modern Art (3 units)
AH 374 Art Conservation & Restoration (4 units)
AH 496 Thesis (1 unit)
Fall 2023 Art & Art History Courses
ART 104 Photography (4 units)
ART 107 Screenprinting (1 unit)
ART 155 Digital Art (4 units)
ART 302 Advanced Painting (4 units)
ART 380 Artist's Bookmaking (4 units)
ART 480 Capstone (1 unit)
AH 185 Middle Eastern Cinema (1 unit)
AH 201 Western Art Survey (4 units)
AH 280 Art Theory (3 units)
AH 343 Islamic Art (4 units)
AH 351 Renaissance Art (4 units)
AH 496 Thesis (1 unit)