Credential FAQs


How do I earn a teaching credential?

There are four pathways to becoming a credentialed teacher in California:

Traditional - Students complete their coursework at Saint Mary’s College and meet the fieldwork requirement through an unpaid placement with one of our district partners.

Intern - Students complete their coursework at Saint Mary’s College and their fieldwork at a local district that has hired them as the teacher of record. 

Residency - Students complete their coursework at Saint Mary’s College and if accepted for a Resident Teacher position, they complete their fieldwork with the district partner. Resident Teachers receive a grant funded living stipend during the program.

Integrated Undergraduate - Students complete their bachelor’s degree and their credential in their four years at Saint Mary’s College. Options include: a Multiple Subject or Special Education credential combined with a Justice, Community, & Leadership major orSingle Subject credential combined with one of 40+ eligible majors.

Frequently Asked Questions

Multiple Subject Credential authorizes you to teach in a self contained  classroom in grades K-6.

Single Subject Credential authorizes you to teach a single subject in grades 6-12.

An Education Specialist (Special Education) Credential authorizes you to teach special education in grades K-12.

Individuals may meet the SMCR through the following options:

1) Completion of a CTC-approved subject matter preparation program.

2) Passage of the California Subject Examination for Teachers (CSET) in the appropriate subject area.

3) Successful completion of a baccalaureate or higher degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher education with the following, as applicable:

For single subject credentials, a major in one of the subject areas in which the commission credentials candidates (PSA 21-10). 

  • Art
  • English
  • Social Science 
  • World Language (in any of the languages for which there is a credential)  
  • Health Science  
  • Mathematics  
  • Music   
  • Physical Education  
  • Science (including Biology, Chemistry, Geoscience or Earth and Space Science, and Physics)
  • Dance

Also acceptable: Applied majors (e.g., Applied Mathematics, Applied Physics) and exact majors in one of the single subject areas that may have additional modifiers (e.g., Biology: Environmental Biology; Art: Art History; and Physical Education: Kinesiology). 

For Social Science, the BA/BS degree must say literally, exactly “BA/BS Social Science” in order to fulfill this requirement. Majors in History, Economics, Geography, Anthropology, Psychology, or Political Science, among others, do not completely fulfill the subject matter requirement for Social Science.  

  • For multiple subject credentials, a liberal studies major or other degree that includes coursework in the content areas pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 44282 (PSA 21-10), this includes the Saint Mary’s College BA in Justice, Community and Leadership, Multiple Subjects Credential Preparation (JCL + MSTE) program.
  • For education specialist credentials, either a major in one of the subject areas in which the commission credentials candidates or a liberal studies or other major that includes coursework in the content areas pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 44282 (PSA 21-10), this includes the Saint Mary’s College BA in Justice, Community and Leadership, Multiple Subjects Credential Preparation (JCL + MSTE) program. 

4) Coursework evaluation according to the Subject Matter Domains conducted by a CTC accredited educator preparation program. 

5) Through a combination of coursework and CSET exams that meets or exceeds the subject matter domains.

Subject to change based on CTC guidelines. For more information on the CTC’s SMCR guidelines, please visit Subject Matter Requirements.

Authorizations vary depending on the credential. The following list indicates authorizations that will be added when the credential recommendation is submitted. For more information, please go to

Education Specialist Instruction Credential

  1. Mild/Moderate Support Needs
  2. English Learner

Multiple Subject Teaching Credential

  1. English Learner
  2. General Subjects

Single Subject Teaching Credential

  1. English Learner
  2. Authorization in the candidate's single subject credential area

PPS-School Counseling Credential

  1. School Counseling

PPS-School Psychology Credential

  1. School Psychology

Administrative Services Credential 

  1. Administrative Services (or Certificate of Eligibility)

A Preliminary Credential is the initial credential that a candidate receives in the state of California after completing all of their requirements in any of the following programs: Education Specialist, Multiple Subject, Single Subject, or Administrative Services. The Preliminary Credential is valid for five years and cannot be renewed.

An Internship Credential is a credential that a student may receive in the state of California in order to be employed as a teacher, school counselor, or school psychologist while they continue to complete their credential program. The Internship Credential is valid for a maximum of two years under the conditions that the candidate has a valid offer of employment for a position as a teacher, school counselor, or school psychologist and is currently enrolled in a SMC credential program. This means that the Internship Credential will be cancelled after a student completes their credential program. It is important that Internship Credential holders complete all of their credential requirements before completing their programs so they can apply for the Preliminary Credential, or else they may risk losing their employment without a valid credential. It is the responsibility of the student to understand the timeframe in which all of their credential requirements must be completed. 

A Certificate of Eligibility is for candidates who completed the Administrative Services program, but are not yet employed as a school administrator. Certificates of Eligibility do not expire. 

A Clear Credential is a credential that a Preliminary Credential holder will receive after completing a CTC-approved induction program and two years of experience as a full-time teacher or school administrator. If a Preliminary Credential holder is in a situation where induction is not available, other options will apply. For School Counseling and School Psychology candidates, the Clear Credential is the credential earned after all program and credential requirements are completed. Clear Credentials are valid for five years and may be renewed.  

For information about the period of validity for credentials, please consult CTC leaflets CL-561C, CL-560C, CL-402A, and CL-574C.

Preliminary Credential holders are responsible for completing requirements such as a CTC-approved induction program, two years of experience as a full-time teacher or school administrator, and any other new requirements that have been added by CA state laws before they are able to convert their credential to a Clear Credential. If a Preliminary Credential expires before the educator is able to complete the requirements for the Clear Credential, the educator will no longer be able to use their Preliminary Credential as an authorization for employment in the public school system. If a Preliminary Credential holder is in a situation where induction is not available, other options will apply.

For information about clearing your credential, please consult the CTC leaflets CL-561C, CL-560C, and CL-574C.

Teaching credential candidates are required to demonstrate knowledge of the United States Constitution by completing a college level course, or a college level examination. The Constitution requirement can be met by one of the following:


  1. Completion of a college-level course that covers the provisions and principles of the U.S. Constitution with a grade of C- or better. The course must be taken from a regionally accredited college or university and be at least two semester units or three quarter units.
  2. Pass an examination on the provisions and principles of the U.S. Constitution offered by a regionally accredited college or university.

It is the student's responsibility to order an official transcript from the institution at which the Constitution course was taken or to provide an official exam result to the Credential Office before applying for the credential. Documentation can be submitted to the Credentials Office through the Credential Documents Form.



Candidates who have completed a bachelor’s degree at Saint Mary’s College in Justice Community and Leadership (JCL), or a Bachelor’s degree from any of the Cal State University (CSU) campuses, have completed the U.S. Constitution requirement through their coursework. 

Previously completed college-level coursework is acceptable. Alternatively, candidates may complete coursework at Saint Mary’s College or a community college to fulfill the requirement. Courses that are taken online through a regionally accredited college or university are acceptable. 


Online Exam

Candidates may fulfill the Constitution requirement by passing one of the following online exams: 

For more information about the U.S. Constitution requirement, please visit the CTC’s CC 11-01.

Due to FERPA laws, Saint Mary’s cannot release credential documents or any information regarding student records to another entity. It is the student’s responsibility to retrieve credential documents from the original party (university, testing company, etc.) and send them to the party that is requesting them.

Please email to request completion of any forms relating to Verification of Program Completion or Teaching License Recommendations. Please attach the requested forms, with your personal information already completed (date of birth, social security number, former last name(s), addresses, etc.), with your email to the Credentials Office as a PDF attachment along with your current contact information including your name, personal email address, and phone number.

Yes, SMC offers coursework evaluations to meet the Subject Matter Requirement for students currently enrolled in our Multiple Subject, Single Subject, or Education Specialist Teacher Education programs. 

Please reach out to the KSOE Credentials Office at for questions or more information on Subject Matter Coursework Evaluations.

Yes, SMC offers coursework evaluations combined with CSET to meet the Subject Matter Requirement for students currently enrolled in our Multiple Subject, Single Subject, or Education Specialist Teacher Education programs. 

Please reach out to the KSOE Credentials Office at for questions or more information on Subject Matter Coursework Evaluations.

The CTC is the Commission on Teacher Credentialing. It is the governing body that issues teaching credentials in California.

Fieldwork is the component of the credential program that requires the student to participate in program activity which takes place in a K-12 setting. It is also called student teaching, field placement and/or student teaching placement. 

A preliminary credential is a teaching credential that is valid for five years. Students who complete the program at Saint Mary’s College and meet all of the requirements are issued a preliminary teaching credential. Preliminary Credential holders have five years to clear their credentials with the CTC. A cleared credential is good for life. 

For Current SMC Students

Candidates may only apply for their credential after necessary requirements, including coursework, fieldwork components, assessments, and exams, have been completed. Documentation showing that credential requirements have been fulfilled must be submitted to the Credential Document Upload Form

After all credential documents have been accepted by the Credentials Office, candidates may apply for their credential by completing the Credential Application Form. Please allow at least ten business days for the Credentials Office to submit credential recommendations to the CTC. It is the candidate’s responsibility to complete necessary payment and background questions within 45 days of the credential recommendation in order for the credential to be granted. Once the CTC receives a candidate’s credential recommendation from SMC, the processing time can range from ten days to several weeks, depending on whether or not additional information is requested.

More information about specific credential requirements can be found on the credential webpage for your program. 

Credentials Office

The Credentials Office is dedicated to supporting the KSOE community by providing information and updates regarding the credentialing process. We hope our overview of Credential Requirements, Credential Documents, and Frequently Asked Questions instills confidence in your journey to the credential. 

For any additional questions, the Credentials Office may be contacted Monday through Friday between 8:00 AM–4:00 PM at  or at (925) 631-5051.